Spoiler Alert !!! These pages and some of the Quest Titles may reveal spoilers. Read no further if you do not wish to discover story details before they occur while questing.
These quests are only available with Sim Settlements 2 - Chapter 3
Continue the Sim Settlements 2 Story with Chapter 3 Main Quests.
The Gunners are back in force!
Your decisions will matter and may have dire consequences.
Chapter 3 Quests will begin when the following requirements are met:
You will receive a radio call when you exit an interior location or fast travel.
You may have met them before. The New Liberty Trading Company (NLTC) will seek you out and ask you to assist them with setting up trade in the Commonwealth.
To trigger NLTC quests, find the Note from Lydia Proudmore in an Inbox.
An InBox can be found in Headquarters on the right door frame of the following rooms:
There is also an Inbox on the War Planner's Desk.
¶ Chapter 3 Quest Progression
For users who wish less spoilers than the Quest Guides, this provides a list of Quests with their Quest IDs and their requirements.
The following quests are either Optional or Special (available ONLY if you made certain choices during Chapter 3 Main Story Quests):