Spoiler Alert!
Guest Characters: HQ Worker, Salvador, Theresa, Jake (if available), Aiden, Mansfield, Cassandra, Lupe

- Written by: Richard (Sirick) Griffiths
- Voiced by:
HQ Worker - placeholder
Salvador - Corey Graziano
Theresa - Kemi Haydee Stanton
Jake - Tom Schalk
Aiden - River Vitae
Mansfield - Uncaged Elk
Cassandra - Dahlia Lynn
Lupe - Lindsey Vega
Possible Faction Envoys: Ambassador Sullivan, Jeffrey, Fiona, Simon, Alllison Gale, Lydia Proudmore, Berman, Sickle, Wise

- Ambassador Sullivan (Institute) - Veta Phoenix
- Jeremy (Minutemen) - Daniel J. McLean
- Fiona (Nightingales) - Christina Nicholls
- Simon (CPD) - Norman Bradley
- Allison Gale (NLTC Mercs) - Morgan Lea
- Lydia Proudmore (NLTC) - Brandy Fisher
- Berman - Jeff Wong
- Sickle - Benjango
- Wise - Richard "Sirick" Griffiths
- Head to HQ.
- Talk to HQ Worker
- Go to the Meeting Room.
Read the WARNING Note on the door frame.
(Save is Disabled reading the note.) Decide to:
a. Proceed
b. Not Ready
Preparation Tips:
Add Warriors to your Military Department (at least 15 for an Assault crew).
(Optional) Upgrade your equipment using Lab Services.
- Start the meeting by activating the Terminal.
- Listen to Magnusson's message.
- Plan for attack is presented. You can ask questions by selecting dialogue options.
- Sit in the chair to continue. (fade to black)
- Allied Faction Envoys are now present in the meeting room.
- Salvador talks about the Roles in the Attack Plan.
- If you allied with the NLTC, Allison Gale will offer her mercs for the assault.
- This will cost you 10,000 caps.
- If you request the discount, the cost can be reduced to 8,000 or 9,500 caps and requires high Charisma.
- You can decide to pay or not.
- Selecting Factions for the Attack Roles:
- You can select which Faction performs what role in the attack plan or let Salvador decide.
If you are choosing yourself:
- For each of your selections, you can ask Salvador for his opinion.
- Each Faction Envoy will respond with a statement that will tell you if your selection is agreeable to them.
- You will be able to choose a different Faction for the Attack Role,
- Or Confirm your choice.
- Meet Salvador and Theresa in your GNN HQ Courtyard.
- Salvador will tell you to assault two territories:
- South Boston Miltary Checkpoint
- Hyde Park
- (Optional) Use the War Planner's Desk in the Courtyard to initiate the Assaults.
- Assault - Capture South Boston Military Checkpoint.
- When successful, Salvador will call you on HQ Radio to begin the Assault on Hyde Park.
- Assault - Capture Hyde Park.
- When successful, Salvador will call you on HQ Radio to return to the HQ Couryard.
Next Quest: The Battle of Quincy
- Begins immediately after When It Rains
- If Capture Territories on the War Planner's Desk does not display options to capture South Boston Military Checkpoint, use the Dynamic Assault system instead (Mark the Territory Flag with Binoculars, or an enemy and fire a flare to begin the Capture Territory Assault.)