Spoiler Alert!
Guest Characters: Jake, Aiden, Lupe, Theresa, Mansfield, Cassandra, Salvador

- Written by: Richard (Sirick) Griffiths
- Voiced by:
Jake - Tom Schalk
Aiden - River Vitae
Lupe - Lindsey Vega
Theresa - Kemi Haydee Stanton
Mansfield - Uncaged Elk
Cassandra - Dahlia Lynn
Salvador - Corey Graziano
- Attend the meeting.
- Through dialogue options, learn about what's happened since the crash.
- Discuss next steps to combat the gunners.
- Discuss options for a military leader.
- Recruit Salvador.
Next Quest: Me and This Army
On your return to HQ:
- Attend the meeting with Salvador.
- Select a Faction Name.
- Use the Terminal to set policy.
- Salvador asks for a work area.
- The Hangar Area is unlocked for cleaning/building.
- Badlanders
- Bloatflies
- Brotherhood of Steel
- Commonwealth Curators
- Harvesters
- Masons
- Minutemen
- Practioners
- Rangers
- Rovers
- The Academy
- The Battalion
- The Cabal
- The Coalition
- The Syndicate
- The Union
Next Quest: Art of War
- Begins immediately after Resurgence
- If no one is present in the Meeting Room when you return, go to another floor so that Headquarters updates.
- Hangar: Although this quest unlocks the Hangar, you will not be able to build/construct the Military Department Office (Salvador's Office) until Internal Affairs is in progress.