Spoiler Alert!
Guest Characters: Aiden, Lupe, Katelyn, Jake, LaMont, Laura

- Written by: Richard (Sirick) Griffiths
- Voiced by:
Aiden - River Vitae
Lupe - Lindsey Vega
Katelyn - Isabella Tugman
Jake - Tom Schalk
Advent Gunner - Dean Warden
LaMont - Liz Morey
Laura - Bella Renfro
RobCo Rob - Richard (Sirick) Griffiths
- Receive a HQ Radio Call from Aiden.
- Head to the Comm Array Room.
- Talk to Aiden.
- Aiden gives you Jake's Note.
- (Optional) Talk to Aiden.
- (Optional) Talk to Lupe.
- (Optional) Talk to Katelyn.
- Look for clues.
- (Optional) Read Jake's Terminal (Novice Unlock).
- Find and read Jake's Note to Self on the Engineering Department Desk.
- Track Jake down in Natick Banks.
- Enter RobCo HQ.
- Try the elevator.
- Head downstairs.
- You will be challenged by a RobCo Assaultron.
- Kill the RobCo Assaultron to loot the Production Floor MagCard.
- Go downstairs. You will find a control panel beside a locked door.
- Connect your Pip-Boy to the Pip Boy Plugin.
- Use the Production Floor MagCard to access the next room.
- A sentry bot called RobCo Rob will attack you.
- Lift the lockdown by accessing the RobCo Production Floor Terminal.
- Look for Jake downstairs.
- Talk to Jake about his choice and decide how to handle the situation:
a. Stop Jake sacrificing self.
b. Let Jake turn himself over.
c. May be an option to kill Jake.
d. If Jake has a copy of the Receiver Module, you can agree for him to hand that over to the Gunners.
- Begin the exchange by activating Chamber Doors.
- Talk to LaMont.
a. If you have completed Sympathy for the Devil, you can offer to help her condition (Charisma check).
- Depending on choices and actions, talk to Jake or Laura to return to HQ.
- Head to the Comm Array Room.
- Dialogue with characters present regarding the outcome of the exchange.
Next Quest: (Depends on your choices)
- Begins after you complete an Assault while the "Hold the Commonwealth against the Gunners" objective for State of War is displayed in your quest journal or 24 hours after that objective appears - which ever comes first.