Spoiler Alert!
Guest Characters: Aiden, Salvador, Theresa, Lupe, Cassandra

- Written by: Cynical_Bounce
- Voiced by:
Aiden - River Vitae
Salvador - Corey Graziano
Theresa - Kemi Haydee Stanton
Lupe - Lindsey Vega
Cassandra - Dahlia Lynn
- Meet Salvador in the Hanger Area.
- You will find Aiden and Salvador in conversation.
- Learn more about the Military Department via dialogue options.
- Salvador has some proposals for the new Military Department:
a. Standardization of equipment and training
b. Vassalization
- Research Vassalization in the Military Startegy menu of Command Mode MILITARY > STRATEGY.
- Wait for the project to complete.
- Research Standardized Loadouts in the Military Strategy menu of Command Mode: MILITARY > INTELLIGENCE.
- Wait for the project to complete.
- Find Theresa.
- When you find Theresa, she will be with Lupe and Salvador.
- Listen to their concerns about the Outposts.
- Ask any questions you would like via dialogue options.
- Lupe tells you someone is offerring to provide supplies.
- Salvador tells you about his investigation of the intel you discovered.
- Assault and capture Vault 95 with your Soldiers.
- After the Assault is successful, investigate Vault 95 with Salvador.
- Find the Overseer's Office.
- Search the Overseer's Office. Find the Unintelligible Letter.
- Find the Server Room.
- Find a way into the Server Room.
- Swipe card in the ID Reader.
- Ask Salvador to handle it.
- Search for additional intel. Find the Note called Encrypted Sequence.
- Meet Salvador back at HQ.
- Find Salvador in the Hangar Area in converstation with Lupe and Cassandra.
- Cassandra discusses the importance of Field Medics. If you have not unlocked the Field Medics Martial Class,it unlocks for you.
- Lupe tells you about Battlefield Scavengers, and if you haven't already unlocked that Martial Class, it unlocks.
- Cassandra suggests that you Capture Milton General Hospital for medical supplies.
- Lupe suggests that more Scrap resources are needed, and suggests Scrap Palace.
- Two quests for capturing these locations will appear under Miscellaneous quests for you.
Next Quests:
- Begins 24 hours after Art of War
- This quest unlocks several new Martial Building Classes (if you haven't already unlocked them): Armory, Battlefield Scavengers, Field Medics, Recruitment Center
- This quest also unlocks the Military Department. You will now be able to build/construct the Military Department Office (Salvador's Office).
- It also unlocks additional information displayed for Manage Soldier: Rank Number (% of experience).