Spoiler Alert!
Guest Characters: Mr. Glatton, Allison Gale, Clients

- Written by: Cynical_Bounce
- Voiced by:
Mr. Glatton - Sterling C. Beard
Allison Gale - Morgan Lea
Client 1 - placeholder
Client 2 - placeholder
- Speak to Mr Glatton in the Penthouse (Custom House Tower).
- When you arrive on the Penthouse floor, Mr. Glatton will be talking to a Client. Wait until their conversation is `completed. Mr. Glatton's Office door will open and you will be able to talk to him.
- Mr Glatton asks you to collect payment from a customer. During this conversation, you can ask him to tell you more about himself. Accept the task to continue.
- Leaving the elevator, Allison asks to accompany you. You can decide to accept or reject her.
- Travel to the Commonwealth Residence.
- Talk to the Commonwealth Resident. Dialogue options include asking about the generator, shaking them down for more caps, covering their payment yourself.
- Allison will have an optional quest, one of her contracts, to complete.
a. If you decide to complete it, travel to the (random) location and clear out the raiders there.
b. After killing the raiders, loot the raider. Find the "Invoice".
c. Talk to Allison after killing the raiders at the location. You can learn more about how the NLTC operates, and how she feels about Glatton and Lydia.
- Travel to the Custom House Tower.
- Talk to Glatton. You can hand over the 100 caps, or tell him raiders took it.
- He has nothing more, and you'll receive a notificaton "No NLTC contracts"
- Take the elevator to the Main Level - Lobby to continue.
- Lydia will approach you and ask you to meet her in her office in the basement.
- She will ask you to obtain a manifest from Mr. Glatton's office, and suggests that you ask Allison for assistance.
Next Quest: Corporate Espionage
- Issue: Unable to enter Commonwealth Residence
If you encounter this issue, you can access the World Repopulation Lantern near the door to activate the menu, then select “Bypass Door and Enter Cell”. Choosing this option will teleport the player into the cell as if they had activated the door allowing entry to cells where the building collision blocks the actual door activator.
Available with Release 3.3.5