Spoiler Alert!
Guest Character: Salvador

- Written by: Cynical_Bounce
- Voiced by:
Salvador - Corey Graziano
- Meet Salvador in the Hangar, at HQ.
- Can learn more about him through dialogue options.
- Salvador asks you to make an Outpost.
- Select the Settlement you wish to convert to an Outpost or you could create an Outpost at Settlement you own, but have not yet built up.
Salvador recommends that you select one close to Headquarters.
- Meet Salvador at the Settlement you picked.
- Place a War Planner's Desk.
- Wait for the Settlement to complete conversion to your Command Post.
- Speak to Salvador. He gives you a Recruitment Clipboard.
- Conscript 5 Soldiers from HQ Staff or Settlers in your Settlements.
- Conscript 3 additional Soldiers (Optional).
- Return to Salvador.
- Salvador asks if you are ready for his mission.
- Aiden calls on the HQ Radio to alert you that gunners have taken over a Settlement.
- Salvador says that the Settlement takes priority.
a. Decide to Assault the Settlement to create another Outpost
b. or choose to delay
- Meet Salvador near Egret Marina Tours.
- Meet your Soldiers to join the Assault .
- When the Assault is completed, speak to Salvador.
- Salvador wants to capture Mass Pike Interchange as a Territory.
- Meet Salvador near Mass Pike Interchange.
- Mark Mass Pike Interchange as a Target.
- Fire a Flare to Assault Mass Pike Interchange.
- Capture Mass Pike Interchange.
- Clear Out Gunners on the Upper Level with Salvador.
- Search for intel.
- Find Fuel Supply Intel.
- Bring the intel to Salvador.
- Check on Salvador.
Next Quest: Internal Affairs
- Begins immediately after Me and This Army and A Faction is Born
- This quest is a tutorial about converting an existing settlement to an Outpost, recruiting Soldiers and learning about Assaults.