Caravan Services |
2+ Settlements, 1 Level 1 Municipal Plot See Caravaneer Stat Effects on the Beacons page. |
Automatically links to other nearby settlements with Caravan Services, Produces +25/+50/+75 Pollution |
Tax Services |
10 Level 3 Commercial Plots |
The Tax Office collects the Tax Rate on Daily Caps generated by the Settlement that were not spent on Maintenance/Operating costs and deposits that into the Workbench, and remaining Caps go to Virtual Resources. |
Basic Power Plant |
Complete New Plots on the Block Quest |
Generates +20/+40/+70 Power on the Municipal Grid |
Advanced Power Plant |
5 Level 3 Basic Power Plants, OR Archon's quest, Pure Energy, Skilled Settler (Intelligence 5 or higher) |
Generates +105/+125/+155 Power on the Municipal Grid (for Settler with Intelligence 5), Defense: -4/-5/-6, Produces +25/+50/+75 Pollution |
High-Tech Power Plant |
5 Level 3 Advanced Power Plants, Gifted Settler (Intelligence 8 or higher) Assigned |
Generates +180/+220/+290 Power (for a Settler with Intelligence 8) on the Municipal Grid. Defense: -7/-8/-9, Produces +50/+75/+100 Pollution |
Communications |
2+ Settlements, 1 Level 1 Advanced Power Plant, 5 Level 3 Industrial Plots |
Acts as a Recruitment Beacon, unlocks Caravan pick up services for Mark I and Salvage Beacons, max settlers becomes tied to number of beds instead of Charisma, and settlers recruited will have better starting stats and increases the chance of settler recruitment by 10%/20%/30% as the plot levels up |
Power Transfer |
2+ Settlements, 1 Level 3 Advanced Power Plant, or unlocks during Commonwealth Rising |
Shares power grid with other settlements with Power Transfer |
Basic Water Plant |
Complete New Plots on the Block Quest |
Generates +8/+23/+43 Water |
Advanced Water Plant |
5 Level 3 Basic Water Plants, Skilled Settler (Perception 5 or higher) Assigned |
Generates +58/+70/+94 Water (for a Settler with Perception 5), Power -3/-6/-9, Produces +25/+50/+75 Pollution |
High-Tech Water Plant |
5 Level 3 Advanced Water Plants, Gifted Settler (8+ Perception) Assigned |
Generates +96/+116/+141 Water (for a Settler with Perception 8), Power: -9/-18/-25, Produces +50/+75/+100 Pollution |
Cemetery |
Unlocked by quests: Father Edmund Callum Introduction or Nightingales Introduction, or unlocks when a settler dies from disease (only occurs if Death is set to ON) |
Improves hygiene by +50/+100/+150, cleans up bodies and places their belongings in the workbench, and reduces the chance of disease outbreak due to death. |
Hospital |
Completing Calling ER, or L2 Clinic and L2 Rare Materials Plots |
Increases natural disease recovery by 50% in the surrounding area (similar to a Caravan's range), cures settlers with known diseases Patients per day = Total hospital workers * plot level |
Sanitation |
Completing Patient Troubles, or L2 Hospital and L3 Rare Materials Plots, Improved Cleanliness bonus based on the Assigned Settler's Perception Stat, adds +50 per point |
Greatly increases the Hygiene score in a settlement, counteracting pollution. Approximately 1 Sanitation plot will cover the needs of 20 settlers, unless an excessive amount of building based pollution is also present. |