WARNING! This section of the wiki contains potential plot spoilers for the quests in Sim Settlements 2.
In Sim Settlements 2, Industrial becomes one of the most important plot types. The addition of building, upgrade, and City Plan costs means that players will either have to constantly provide resources from their inventory, or design an Industrial chain to meet those needs.
Sim Settlements 2 has three levels of difficulty regarding costs. This is controlled with an option called Resource Complexity found in the City Manager 2078 Holotape. These options are: Simple, Categories, and Components. By default, the difficulty level you set your game to determines which of these modes Sim Settlements starts in.
Simple: The easiest difficulty treats every scrap item interchangeably. This setting is designed for people who have no interest in resource management but would at least like to have Industrial be a required part of their designs.
Categories: This is the moderate difficulty, the default setting for the majority of players, and was the basis for our original design pattern of Industrial in SS2. With this, the vanilla scrap components are divided into 4 categories: Building Materials, Organic Materials, Machine Parts, and Rare Materials. These categories are also the first Industrial Classes that are unlocked.
Components: This is the hardcore difficulty which is enabled for Survival players by default (due to timing of scripts, this sometimes does not auto-enable and may require the player to manually enable it even when in Survival). It takes each of those categories and further breaks them down into their individual components, meaning the settlement will need specific amounts of a variety of scrap items. This is designed to be an extreme management challenge for players who are looking to add layers and layers of depth to their game.
For the most part, we balanced our numbers and the order of our categories based on the rarity of those in-game components. With the categories having a sort of order from most common materials to least common materials. So in general, the player will have far more Building Materials than they do Organic Materials, which will be more plentiful than Machine Parts, and Rare Materials will operate with the smallest numbers.
The path of Industrial is designed so that as you go further into it you gain finer control over the resources generated. At the start you only have access to Junk Gathering which creates random junk. These items can then be scrapped into a variety of components which are fully random. Each of the four categories has its own class to specifically generate that resource type and for players using the Component complexity, a relatively ratioed amount of the components within the category.
Industrial Plot production can be improved by assigning Settlers with higher Strength.
To train up your Settler, assign them to a Recreation Plot that trains Strength.
More information about Settlers
¶ Building Classes
Icon | Building Class | Requirements | Description |
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Junk Gathering | Complete Plotting the Future Quest | +Junk Collecting Adds junk items to the Workbench |
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Building Materials Gathering | 2 Level 1 Industrial Plots | +Aluminum, Asbestos, Concrete, Fiberglass, Glass, Steel, Wood |
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Organic Materials Gathering | 1 Level 2 Building Materials Plot | +Adhesive, Acid, Bone, Ceramic, Cloth, Coal, Cork, Leather, Oil |
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Machine Parts Gathering | 1 Level 2 Organic Materials Plot | +Circuitry, Copper, Gears, Lead, Plastic, Screws, Silver, Springs, Rubber |
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Rare Materials Gathering | 1 Level 2 Machine Parts Plot | +Ballistic Fiber, Antiseptic, Crystal, Fiber Optics, Gold, Nuclear Material |
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Conversion | 7 Level 3 Industrial Plots Some building plans are unlocked through Beacons (Caravan Discoveries) |
Converts resources into different types, Produces +25/+50/+75 Pollution |
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Production | 10 Level 3 Industrial Plots | Converts resources into products for shops, Produces +50/+75/+100 Pollution |
¶ Building Plans
Building Plan | Size | Description |
Building Materials Shed | 2x2 | Shed for the post-war builder |
Gravel processing by Ohnno | Interior | Gravel processing room |
Building Plan | Size | Description |
Scrap Heap | 2x2 | Gathers random junk for your settlement |
One Man's Trash | Interior | Gathers random junk for your settlement. Straight path through the middle length-wise for easy access from either short end. |
Building Plan | Size | Description |
Machine Parts Salvage Yard by kinggath | 2x2 | Salvage yard and machine part storage |
Reclamation depot by Ohnno | Interior | Machine teardown and parts storage |
Tear-down Yard by Ohnno | 2x2 | Tear-down yard for the experienced scavver |
Building Plan | Size | Description |
Organics Hoarder by kinggath | 2x2 | Storehouse for organic materials |
Organic Storeroom by kinggath | Interior | Storeroom for organic materials |
Building Plan | Size | Description |
Hazmat Recycling by kinggath | 2x2 | Hazardous material acquisition and secure storage |
Ichor Extraction Room by Ohnno | Interior | Radioactive Ichor processing and storage room |
Building Plan | Size | Description |
Asbestos Reclamation by Ohnno | Interior | Asbestos processing and storage room, generates Asbestos and consumes Wood |
Body Armor Technology by kinggath | 2x2 | Generates Ballistic Fiber, consumes Ceramics and Plastic |
Ceramics Kiln by kinggath | 2x2 | A pottery workshop which produces Ceramics for your settlement, consumes Concrete and Wood |
Coal Pit by kinggath | 2x2 | A mound for wood-burning to make coal which can be used in fertilizer. Produces Fertilizer for your settlement, consumes Wood |
Crusher by Ethreon | 2x2 | An open air grinding station that produces Gears, Screws and Springs for your settlement, consumes Circuitry and Steel |
Crystal Cavern by kinggath | 2x2 | A cavern opening which produces Crystal for your settlement, consumes Cork and Steel |
Distillery by Ethreon | 2x2 | Liquor distillery which produces Antiseptic, consumes Acid and Copper |
Fiber Optics Factory by kinggath | 2x2 | A high-tech facility which produces Fiber Optics for your settlement, consumes Circuitry and Fiberglass. |
Glass Blowers by kinggath | 2x2 | A glass blower's workshop which produces Fiberglass and Glass for your settlement, consumes Wood. |
Glue Factory by kinggath | 2x2 | A gigantic chemical boiler system which produces Acid and Adhesive for your settlement, consumes Bone and Glass |
Lumber Yard | 2x2 | A jury-rigged sawmill which produces Cork and Wood for your settlement, consumes Steel |
Metal Mill | 2x2 | An open air Metal Mill which produces Aluminum and Steel for your settlement, consumes Wood |
Military Salvagers | 2x2 | Brick military salvage teardown facility that produces Circuitry, Lead and Leather, for your settlement, consumes Acid and Adhesive |
Nuclear Enrichment | 2x2 | A high-tech lab that manufactures Nuclear Material for your settlement, consumes Lead and Aluminum |
Oil Pump Jack | 2x2 | An oil pump jack which produces Oil for your settlement, consumes Steel |
Ore Mine | 2x2 | An underground mine that generates Gold for your settlement, consumes Fertilizer and Gears |
Paper Mill | 2x2 | Automated paper production warehouse which produces Cloth for your settlement, consumes Wood |
Plastics & Polymers Plant | 2x2 | A plastic production and extrusion plant which produces Plastic and Rubber for your settlement, consumes Cloth and Oil |
Remelting Facility | 2x2 | A large melting machine that produces Copper and Silver for your settlement, consumes Oil and Steel. |
Surface Mining Operation | 2x2 | An excavation pit for surface mining which produces Bone and Concrete for your settlement, consumes Steel |
Woodworks by Ohnno | Interior | Wood processing and storage room that produces Cork and Wood for your settlement, consumes Steel. |
Building Plan | Size | Description |
Brewery by kinggath | 2x2 | Industrial Brewery where you can experiment with different ingredients to invent new beers which will be sold at Bars, consumes Aluminum, Copper and Acid |
Chemical Plant by kinggath | 2x2 | Large industrial chemical plant that produces combat enhancing chems for Clinics, consumes Asbestos, Antiseptic and Glass |
Flare Factory | 2x2 | Large flare assembly mechanism which provides flares to be sold at Weapon Stores, consumes Crystal, Fertilizer and Cork |
Furniture Workshop | 2x2 | Machine-heavy workshop which provides new furniture to be sold at Furniture Stores, consumes Screws, Springs and Steel |
Magazine Press | 2x2 | Printing press and artist loft which provides magazines to be sold at Book Stores, consumes Leather, Fiber Optics and Gears |
Munitions Factory | 2x2 | Ballistic ammo production facility which provides new ammunition to be sold at Weapon Stores, consumes Silver, Lead and Ballistic Fibre |
New Bugle | 2x2 | Local newspaper reporting and printing press which provides newspapers to be sold at Book Stores, consumes Rubber, Cloth and Oil |
Nuclear Arms | 2x2 | Fully automated mini-nuke production line which provides new ammunition to be sold at Weapon Stores, consumes Gold, Nuclear Material and Plastic |
Building Plan | Size | Description |
Jury-Rigged Defense Plot | 2x2 | Martial Plot available under Industrial Plots after completing Well Well Well to provide defense for your settlement |