- The Facilities department is led by Mansfield. It handles cleaning, construction, repairs and maintenance in HQ.
- This is where all your recruited settlers go by default until you reassign them from Command mode or a department desk.
- The Facilities department energy equals its workers' combined Strength stat.
For example: 10 workers with a STR of 10 would give you Department Energy of 100.
Same with other departments and their corresponding stats.
Tips: To recruit someone, talk to them within a settlement's borders with a Recruitment Clipboard equipped (like a weapon) in your hands. It's an item you get during the quest "How to HQ", there is a quest marker pointing to it. It's on the administration desk in the meeting room upstairs.
Settlers can only be recruited when you have cleaned and built some living space for them. The maximum settler capacity for HQ is displayed on the HUD, (See Command Mode.)
When you assign a worker to a department, you will see their relevant stats in the trade window. You can also scan them with Vit-o-Matic (either in a settlement or HQ) to decide if this settler should work at HQ or where to assign them.
Companions, unique settlers or those training at recreation plots for a long time are perfect candidates.
- After a room has been cleaned and built, other departments can be used to add new features to it, like upgrades from Engineering or decorations from Administration.
- As with other departments, Administration policies may help improve the Facilities productivity.
- See also: How to HQ (main quest guide).
Two Manage Build Icons will appear when selecting Manage.
- Reassign Staff: Use this to assign or unassign staff to/from the Facilities Department
- View Task List:
Cancel to exit menu
Select Assigned by You to see Tasks that you've assigned to the Department,
Select Planned by Department to see Tasks that your Department has queued.
Once you have made your selection, wait for the Task List to generate. You will see the Tasks generate like this:

Use Next or Previous to cycle through the Tasks. You can View Cost, Cancel the Project if it is stuck waiting on Resources, or Exit the Menu.
- Cleaning a room allows you to remove the trash and prepare that space for future projects.
- This requires no resources other than department energy.
- You can do this in Command mode by going to Facilities > Cleaning
- Pick floor (only the main floor is unlocked at the start)
- Select room. A menu will pop-up asking what you want to use the room for.
- Room Control can be used to change the room purpose or layout later.
Tip: You can decrease cleaning/building times by using the City Manager Holotape to set the option for HQ "Override timers" to ON so most projects are completed almost instantly, like in the tutorial. For most gameplay settings this option is ON by default.
Some rooms (like the main atrium) become available for cleaning and construction later in the story.
- Once a room is clean, construction projects for that room become available to the Facilities Department. Construction providing benefits to HQ such as increasing the max number of people, opening up new jobs, or triggering unlocks.
- There are 3 types of resources required to build rooms in HQ: department energy, materials and scrap logistics.

- Department energy is their manpower, it's going to be in use until the projects are completed.
- Materials come from settlements you have agreements with, they restock every day.
Tip: If you find yourself in the situation where there's always very little materials, try building more industrial, agricultural and water plots in your settlements and levelling them up (use more advanced and hi-tech classes as they unlock, this also requires more skilled settlers).
Scrap logistics indicate your logistics capacity to deliver those materials. Bigger rooms generally require more scrap logistics. To get more of them, you can start more supply agreements at Logistics.
Materials aren't refunded after completing a project, unless you use an option in the holotape for that.
Tip: Either Command mode or Room control can be used to build rooms. Command mode has the benefit of not having to move around for this, it also shows the scrap logistics required for the project.
- Most construction is completed as part of the daily tasks, but more advanced construction might take several days.
- Deep Cleaning Rounds - Requires Bathroom. Greatly reduces the chance of the "Staff Mess" Disasters.
- Facilities staff can also have repair projects like fixing railings, floors, walls and the atrium roof. This is cosmetic and, like construction, also costs resources.