Spoiler Alert!
Guest Characters: Jake, Lupe, The Ron

- Written by: Richard (Sirick) Griffiths
- Voiced by:
Jake - Tom Schalk
Lupe - Lindsey Vega
The Ron - Cyrus Rodas
- Speak to Jake
- Jake tells you to recruit some allies
- Jake asks you to escort Lupe to The Ron
- Escort Lupe to The Ron's
- Talk to The Ron
- Lupe asks The Ron for information
- If you select a dialogue option for more information, and pass the charisma check, The Ron will also give you a holotape called "Gunner Dossiers"
- Lupe remains with the Ron
- Your quest log will now have optional objectives to recruit your allies:
- (Optional) Recruit your allies and options to recruit available Factions which appear in your quest journal like:
(Optional) Request help from "Faction" for the attack on Gunners Plaza
(Optional) Earn the trust of the "Faction" - This means you will need to do that Factions quests to earn their trust
- Once you have recruited all of the allies you wish, return to Concord Hardware
- Read the note on the Ham Radio - "Ready When You Are"
- Activate the Ham Radio to send signal to Jake and Aiden when ready to proceed
- You can select either option for "Are you ready to proceed?"
a. No I Need More Time
b. Yes, I'm Finished Recruiting
- Jake will contact you when every one is ready on his radio frequency. (48 in game hours)
Next Quest: End of the Beginning
- About Jake, Lupe, and The Ron
- If you take Lupe with you to recruit allies before you go to The Ron, she has additional dialogue
- Factions that are possible to recruit:
Brotherhood of Steel
Commonwealth Police Department
- You will only get the optional recruit your allies quests for Factions that you have progressed their questlines far enough to be eligible.
Minimal Support (Ally):
- BOS: Player has Knight Rank, which occurs when you first talk to Maxson (Shadow of Steel)
- CPD: You are a detective (CPD Detective Badge obtained during Continuing Professional Development talking to Simon)
- Institute: Agree to help when you talk to Father (Mankind Redefined)
- Minutemen: You're the General (The First Step completed and accepted being the General)
- Nightingales: Sunken Treasure completed
- Railroad: Joined the Railroad (Tradecraft)
Support (Friend):
- BOS: Player has Paladin Rank (Blind Betrayal)
- CPD: BATDFL taken (Conquering Provincial Dwelling completed)
- Institute: Institute generator is online (Powering Up)
- Minutemen: Castle Taken (Old Guns)
- Nightingales: Mass Bay Medical taken (Calling ER completed)
- Railroad: Ready to take on the Institute (Underground Undercover)
Most Support:
- BOS: Player has Sentinel Rank (A New Dawn)
- CPD: Quests completed (Catastrophe Prevention Drive completed successfully), Bounty Missions not required
- Institute: Player is Institute Director (Nuclear Family)
- Minutemen: Castle Defended (Defend the Castle)
- Nightingales: Finished Quests (Angel of Mercy completed)
- Railroad: Institute destroyed (The Nuclear Option)