Spoiler Alert!
This page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION and is incomplete.
Guest Characters: Jake, Aiden, Theresa, Lupe, Algernon, Berman, Captain Wes, Wise

- Written by: Richard (Sirick) Griffiths
- Voiced by:
Jake - Tom Schalk
Aiden - River Kanoff
Theresa - Kemi Haydee Stanton
Lupe - Lindsey Vega
Algernon - Ty Harper
Berman - Jeff Wong
Captain Wes - Lucas Webley
Wise - Sirick
Gunner PA - John Drennan
- Listen to the Radio, Jake's Private Frequency
- Meet for the Gunner attack
- Talk to Jake or others
- Decide on the plan of attack
A. Jake's Plan (Allow gunners to escape)
B. Aiden's Plan (Cut off gunner escape)
- Activate the GNN Floor Plan
- Wait for the attack, or Hold off
- When ready, Activate "Wait for Attack"
- Observe the destruction of the mine field
- Follow Lupe or Aiden
- Deal with the first attack wave of gunners
- Deal with the second attack wave of gunners
- Enter the Gunner's Plaza
- Find the Comm Hub with Jake
- A key card is needed to enter the room
- Take the elevator to the basement
- Deal with Berman:
a. Kill him
b. Convince him to stand down
- Jake will get his pistol back
- Take the elevator up to the second floor
- Access the Comm Hub Room
- Talk to Captain Wes
- If you allied with Wise, talk to Wise
- Talk to Jake
Next Quest: Moving Day