There is a new issue tracker at
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This will help the team investigate it and see if it's a common problem that should have the highest priority.
Version 3.3.3 of SS2 and 2.4.0 of Workshop Framework has a bug with build limits rising after manually selecting building plans, it's a known issue that should be fixed in 3.3.4 and 2.4.1.
Check the list to the left to find your issue quicker.
Links at the bottom of the page have find other resources - including guides, patch notes, FAQs and a list of mod conflicts.
If you're running a load order under 20 mods, please send a save file for investigation if you ran into a bug that's not fixed!
If there is an old bug, chances are that it's hard to replicate, so this would help fix it.
How do I test my game and where do I send save files?
Details: This is not SS2 or WSFW changing anything or causing an error, but a new feature to detect issues and notify players if their workshop list is missing entries. It's usually caused by removing mods with workshops, changing them to ESL or installing faulty mods.
The best course of action is to roll back to before any of that happened or restart the game. See here for more information:
It would be advised at this point to not use Egret Tours as a settlement until the story takes you there.
Details: The companions added to SS2 with patch 3.2.0 aren't following with AFT installed.
Status: April 17, 2024-Fixed, update per sranger
Reported: (Spoiler thread name)
Details: Nothing happens in the quest after advancing to air support stage.
Status: Known issue, awaiting fix/patch.
Details: Player has 5 or more soldiers, they are assigned as warriors and not injured, the outpost is in range (or range is unlimited) but none of them can be picked for assault, with flare gun or war planner desk. One of the reasons may be spawning them using methods other than the normal recruitment beacon.
Workaround: use unique named SS2 NPC's.
Status: Version 3.0.2 and higher: any settlers spawned naturally should work. Or you could use the holotape advanced tool "recalculate NPC counts".
Status: For saves that started Under One Banner before 3.0.2, you'd have to finish CPD and NLTC storylines if you're not getting all the envoys you're expecting.
Some faction NPC vanilla versions must also be alive and not disabled (X6-88, Preston, Ronnie Shaw, Maxson, Desdemona, Deacon for their envoys, respectively).
Alternate endings mods are not accounted for, but you can use SS2 console commands to spawn your desired envoys at any point of vanilla story.
See here for info on how to do this:
Details: Could be related to the use of artillery in "Resurgence", or removing the artillery plans when placing a city plan (a change was made to prevent this). Could be a vanilla issue or due to Ronnie spawning too early - wait for her call on Radio Freedom after "Taking Independence". Could also be related to the envoy from "Under one banner".
Workaround: Claim The Castle with the Minutemen and finish her quest before doing "Resurgence" or later quests "State of War" and "Under One Banner".
Status: Under investigation
Details: Settlers and defences start attacking the player after gunners have been cleared from the captured settlement.
Workaround: Wait for the scripts to kick in, this behavior should stop once you get the message about settlement being under your control. Use god mode if needed, for survivability.
Status: Under investigation
Details: After the message about gunner reinforcements, none of them are spawning. This is likely due to script lag, doing nothing in game for a while should correctly spawn them. Alternatively, if they spawned but got stuck somewhere, pass some time in game and they will catch up. You can also disable "unlimited assault range" in options, that will prevent both you and the gunners from spawning reinforcements on the other edge of the map.
Details: Error message about quests failing to start.
Status: Unknown if still an issue.
Workaround: Try manually assigning settlers to houses and jobs, especially Paul and Lily.
Status: Fixed for most cases.
Status: Under investigation. Unknown if still an issue.
Workaround: None
Status: Needs investigation. May be due to a mod conflict.
Workaround: None
Status: Needs investigation.
Details: It may take longer than expected, wait around 3 days.
Workaround: None
Status: Needs investigation.
Workaround: Skip to the next quest stage.
Status: Needs investigation.
Workaround: Possible workaround in the same thread, or set a different quest stage using console. Potentially happens because of the scrapall command (don't use it) - in that case the note may be in Hangman's Alley workbench.
Status: Needs investigation.
Workaround: Save before exiting the vault, switch to third person, exit power armor, tinker with radio options in the holotape or set a different quest stage. Could be a companion issue.
Status: Needs investigation.
Details: The quest doesn't start after completing "War is good for business" and waiting. This is due to the "loot detector" mod scrapping Jake's gatling by accident in "Dark Horizons".
Workaround: Update fixes it. Alternatively, roll back to Dark Horizons and change loot detector's settings or skip to "War is good for business".
Status: Fixed in 3.0.1.
Details: With automation ON, the room can be finished before receiving the objective, and the quest doesn't update.
Details: Either the "meet Jake to record message" sequence is not starting, or the final cutscene doesn't play with Lupe in Goodneighbor or other corner of the room instead of the middle with other department heads. Jake or Lupe unresponsive in the Comm Array room. Neither quest advances.
Workaround: Push the involved NPCs closer to where theyre meant to be for Commonwealth Rising then finish Remote Management.
Status: Should be fixed.
Status: Fixed in 3.0.1.
Details: If "Remote Management" was started during "Commonwealth Rising", the objective to finish Lupe's project doesn't complete with Remote Management, leaving the quest stuck (no faction heads gathering scene).
Status: One instance of this fixed in 3.0.0f. Under investigation.
Status: Fixed in 3.0.0g.
Use of console commands to force things to level up or skip quest stages is heavily discouraged and may leave your game in a broken state (see here for information).
Details: If you've previously used the settlement, it may not have enough build limit.
Workaround: Increase the build limit on the workbench before talking to Lupe.
If the settlement had many plots, they will likely get destroyed before anything new can be built, and that takes some time.
If you're getting crashes after some time in cinematic mode, exit it earlier (with the pip-boy) and wait.
Alternatively, pick the option to build the place up yourself or pick another settlement.
Details: Lupe keeps yelling about the vertibird coming in and out of range.
Workaround: To have patience.
Status: Fixed in 3.0.0g.
Status: Fixed in 3.0.0j so that she teleports to it.
Workaround: Possibly the moveto command.
Status: Unknown if it's still an issue.
Details: The scene requires Lupe, Theresa and Salvador to be present to play out, but no one is there.
Workaround: Find them and use the moveto command to teleport them into place.
Status: Unknown if it's still an issue.
Status: Known issue, to be dealt with in future hotfixes.
Workaround: Stay really close to the hospital entrance when the assault ends (before cinematic camera is triggered), that should correctly finish it.
Status: Under investigation.
Details: In HQ or Outposts, the quest location is not in the list of possible locations to assault.
Workaround: Mark it with binoculars and use the flare gun to summon troops. Unknown if still an issue.
Status: Starhammer has made a hotfix so that users of the mods can still assault the quest location.
Link: (PRP CR SS2 Chapter 3)
Details: Sometimes the territories register for the quest after reloading the game. The "capture 3 territories" objective should clear when you have all 3.
You can also capture another location held by the gunners and see if that forces it to update.
Some of the potential locations can be found in the thread:
Status: Should be fixed in 3.0.0g.
Workaround: Call on the radio yourself and spam some buttons.
Status: Unknown if still an issue.
Details: No progression after picking up the weapon and looting the crate.
Workaround: Currently none without console commands.
Status: Possible incompatibility, under investigation.
For more information about issues with the Military system, see below in Settlements and Gameplay Issues - War Mechanics.
Workaround: Go through the quest normally or start a city plan manually.
Workaround: Use the HQ population fix in the holotape if needed. Skip quests one at a time and return to HQ.
Workaround: Build a power distribution room and computer network upgrade first (TGM if needed).
Workaround: Clear the place first or don't skip it.
Workaround: Go through "Me and this Army" manually, don't skip it.
Chapter 3 quest skipping is currently a work in progress.
Details: Not a bug. For Lena to give more quests, you need to either bring her enough gunner tattoos, or reject this request at any point, if Simon and Jared's quests are complete.
Note that several quests after this may be time-sensitive, it's advised to complete them immediately after they show up in your log.
Workaround: Currently none (there was a patch to get rid of the issue but it's still being reported).
Status: Needs investigation. Logged as #1144.
Details: NPC dies immediately when entering BADTFL, quest fails.
Workaround: This may be due to hostiles respawning in the cell. Specifically, the turret. The current solution is to either roll back to end of previous quest and do this one at once, or use "tcai" command before entering and destroy the turret in the final room (leave the building and use the command again when you're done).
Status: Needs investigation.
CPD quests will be reworked in the future, but due to their complexity, this will likely take some time.
Details: Broken dialogue with Circe after entering the warehouse or Lydia not being present.
Workaround: Dialogue camera, repositioning yourself or dismissing companions (if they're in the way) may help.
Status: Needs investigation.
Details: if you believe Raphael's side of the story, Ellis is unresponsive and the quest can't be completed.
Workaround: go straight to Fiona after talking to Raphael or talk to Raphael again and confront him.
Details: The Ron keeps running away. A scene upon returning to the atrium doesn't play out, the scene in the archives might break too.
Workaround: Load an earlier save to get The Ron's ID, then use the moveto command several times in places where he must be present.
Status: Fixed in 3.0.0f. You may need to roll back before this issue started for this fix to take effect.
Details: talking to Jeremiah Glatton at any point outside quest interactions gives lines intended for the questline ending.
Status: Fixed in 3.0.0f.
Status: Known issue. It should correctly clear after progressing the quest.
Workaround: "moveto player" command can possibly help if used on Allison. Save first.
Status: There is no romance with Lydia. You can only flirt with her.
The voice actor is no longer available.
Status: Not a bug, this is part of the story. Keep playing the main quest for them to return.
Details: Going through quest stages too quickly (like killing an NPC in "Hunt for Boris") gets quests stuck.
Workaround: Make sure you're doing the objectives in order and not rushing them. If an objective that's completed still hangs there, it should correctly be finished with the quest.
Status: "Hunt for Boris" bug was patched.
Details: The cage with "Craig the other one" is open when it's supposed to be closed.
Workaround: Close it and open with the raider's key to talk to the NPC and progress the quest.
Status: Unfixable, Bethesda AI issue. The Legendary Raider with the cage key will open the cage door.
Details: Killing NPCs (or getting them killed) doesn't fail their quests.
Workaround: Rolling back and finishing the quest or resurrecting NPCs using console commands.
Status: Many NPCs correctly fail quests on death with recent patches. Needs more testing.
Details: Institute, BoS or Railroad settlers are in combat with the player or other settlers. This is to be expected if you become enemies with said faction, or the factions are at war with each other.
Status: Needs investigation, currently unknown.
For issues with Remote Management and Commonwealth Rising, see "Main quests - Chapter 2".
Details: Mansfield's quest "Mail from the vault" can't be completed after he leaves the vault.
Workaround: None currently.
Status: Needs investigation, logged as #1154.
Details: only basic plots are available for construction when a low stat settler is occupying the plot Advanced and hi-tech options only showing for settlers with relevant stats, or before anyone is assigned.
Workaround: Assign a settler with better stats, unassign the plot occupant before changing its class, remove the stat requirement in the holotape or build a new plot.
Status: Not a bug.
Status: Under investigation.
Details: Not a bug. Commercial plots have a setting to only build and upgrade after a certain number of residential plots or settlers. You can change this or turn it off in the city manager holotape (Gameplay - Commercial requirement).
Details: May be related to a Nuka-world mod. Workshop Framework option to cap settlers by beds doesn't seem to always work.
Workaround: Turn the beacon off and/or get rid of the communications plot, use a mod like Advanced Recruitment Beacon.
Status: Needs testing.
Workaround: Reassign them manually. Disable either SS2's (recommended to use) or WSFW's auto-assignment.
Status: Needs replication, logged as #933.
Workaround: Wait for extra plots to be removed automatically or destroy them.
Status: Fixed.
Details: Script lag and being in an interior cell during a city plan upgrade may cause city plans to build plots in other cells.
Workaround: Roll back and wait or upgrade manually.
Status: Fixed.
Details: "No leaders" error when assigning a mayor from the desk
Workaround: This is a common issue, you can manually assign the NPC to the city manager desk, or try the tool in the City Manager Holotape to refresh city leader cache.
Status: Known issue, to be fixed in future updates.
Details: City plans don't upgrade no matter what.
Workaround: If you have access to HQ (comes with chapter 2), use the project from Logistics "City Plan Upgrade". Or avoid levelled city plans until that point.
Use of console commands to force things to level up or skip quest stages is heavily discouraged and may leave your game in a broken state (see here for information). If you are determined to use one, a developer command to force a city plan upgrade can be found here.
Status: To be fixed in a future patch.
Details: Infected individuals are never cured automatically.
Status: Needs further testing.
Details: This may be due to mod-added turrets and other items get destroyed or attacking friendly NPCs.
Workaround: None
Status: Needs investigation.
Details: Mainly a Settlers of the Commonwealth issue.
Workaround: in the forum thread (Thanks Saito!)
Status: Unresolved, please use workaround.
Details: Some attackers are downed and not killed, and restore their health several times.
Workaround: Change the HQ meeting room policy on prisoners to "No prisoners, we want gunners dead" if still experiencing this.
Status: Fixed in 3.0.0h.
Details: The message appears as if the vassal settlement is sending something to Nuka-world, even if that questline is not started and it's not a raider vassal. This is just a text error that has no consequence.
Status: To be fixed in a future patch.
Details: Control is lost over all vassal settlements when you turn against the raiders.
Workaround: use the workbench to reclaim the settlement, then the war planner's desk to change its status.
Status: To be fixed in a future patch
Details: Bunoculars seem to not work.
Workaround: Update to a newer patch and/or prioritise aiming at NPC's. Binoculars zoom can also be upgraded to 4x or 8x on a weapons workbench.
Main thread:
Details: Settlers and companions are attacking each other in a settlement, companions rushing back to attack. Settlers stuck in combat state after gunner defence quests
Workaround: Shut down the gunner defence quests that didn't finish properly.
Status: Unknown if still an issue.
Details: There are many causes for crashes, a few of them can be unrelated to SS2. A very common cause for crashes is a power grid corruption. This may occur more frequently with SS2 due to having many more powered objects in settlements. To minimize the risks, only move power pylons when they're not wired and only with the vanilla workshop mode. There's also the Faux power option on the workbench, or power tools in the workshop framework holotape that may help.
Another common situation for crashes is overbuilding in the "triangle of death" - Sanctuary, Red Rocket and Abernathy (also Concord with chapter 2). The game engine can't handle too much at the same time, so when multiple settlements are loaded and they're overbuilt, you might get a crash (it gets worse with some of the scrapping mods). To avoid this, it's best to not build much in Red Rocket, and/or avoid one of the 3 settlements entirely. If you're running levelled city plans, only use one in one of those settlements.
You can also refer to this article on Nexus for instructions on how to install Buffout (a tool to increase your game's performance and detect crashes) and a list of mods potentially causing crashes.
Details: Donating causes a crash.
Workaround: Generally you never have to donate anything as long as you have industrial and caravan plots in the settlement (or pay from inventory).
Status: Issue Logged #1147.
Status: Not a bug. ASAMS Sensors are considered junk, and are made of components so that you can craft them. They have never been included as shared through vanilla provisioners.
Details: "No options selected" error whenever trying to clean most rooms.
Workaround: Currently none
Status: Needs investigation.
Details: Cancelling construction (or "scrapping" the icon) makes the project permanently unavailable. Switching the "override timers" settings in the middle of a project may contribute to this.
Workaround: Roll back, don't scrap the "hologram man", wait for projects to complete before changing the "override timers" option.
Status: Cancelling projects was meant to be fixed, post in the above thread if you're still experiencing this.
Details: resources unavailable on Categories or Simple complexity.
Workaround: Supplies become available in Headquarters when you have Supply Agreements with Outposts. An Armory is required in Headquarters. If you still do not have Supplies, try switching to components or use the TGM command.
Details: The menu for departments and projects in command mode is missing.
Workaround: Install 2.3.2a
Status: A fix was put in place to reduce the likelihood of this happening. Post in the above thread if you're still experiencing this issue.
Details: they're meant to offer new locations to capture but instead give a note in the inbox that lacks any information.
Status: Fixed in 3.0.0g.
Details: Using fire extinguisher, HQ projects or passing the time does not remove the "fire" disaster.
Workaround: In the same forum thread (thanks Llunos!)
Status: This was fixed but try the above solution if you're still running into this issue.
Details: Disable HQ infestations in MCM/holotape if using Mutant Menagerie or other creature mods and running into this issue.
Details: It's the vanilla molerat bug, made worse by all the added creatures in interiors.
Workaround: Install a mod to prevent molerats from burrowing, roll back to before getting stuck.
Status: Needs testing.
Details: Any gift to a deserter causes a crash.
Workaround: You're meant to give them specific items, based on their primary stat. See here for more information.
Status: Needs testing if it's still an issue.
Workaround: Use the SS2 caravans.
Status: Needs more testing
Details: Player is unable to use the Comm Array ASAM Management Hub.
Workaround: None
Status: Needs investigation
Details: Game not loading, not progressing or crashing with SS2 in FO4VR.
Workaround: Try the forum thread for guides and help (thanks TheRadLegend!).
Details: Missing or strange body and outfit textures when using CBBE.
Outfits that come with SS2 are not optimized for CBBE without patches, that can cause visual hiccups, most noticeable with the rare more revealing ones (like Gremlin's outfit).
Details: The quest cannot be completed due to the brahmin's inability to talk. This is caused by an error in Workshop Framework. Brahmin can also become captives in the "Casting a Line" quest.
Status: Logged as #1155. Awaiting fix.
Patch notes - check what's new and fixed in the latest versions.