Spoiler Alert!
Guest Characters: Lupe, Jake, Aiden, Algernon, Cedric Mansfield, Gunner Squad Leader, Berman

- Written by: Richard (Sirick) Griffiths
- Voiced by:
Lupe - Lindsey Vega
Jake - Tom Schalk
Aiden - River Kanoff
Algernon - Ty Harper
Mansfield - Uncaged Elk
Gunner Leader - Kailynn Haskell-Harbert
Berman - Jeff Wong
- Listen to Aiden's Private Frequency
- Travel to Concord Hardware to talk to Jake
- Talk to Lupe
- Find and talk to Jake at the church
- Ask Jake about the radio signal
- Follow Jake to Concord Hardware
- Listen to Aiden's radio signal
- Meet Aiden at Chestnut Hillock Reservoir
- Find and read Aiden's Note
- Meet Aiden at Vault 81
- Deal with the gunners outside Vault 81
- Enter Vault 81
- Find Cedric Mansfield in the Vault Security Office
- Cedrick asks for your assistance and unlocks the elevator
- Take the elevator
- Deal with gunners inside the vault
- Go to the Overseer's Office
- Confront the Gunner Squad Leader
- You can decide to:
a. Let Aiden talk to the Gunner Squad Leader
b. Let Algernon talk to him
c. Let Cedric talk to him
- Listen to the Gunner Radio
- When the radio statics out, Cedric will have a Gunner Radio, continue listening
- Dialogue with Berman
- Determine a plan:
a. Aiden's plan
b. Algernon's plan
- Return to Jake in Concord.
Next Quests:
About Lupe, Jake, Aiden, Algernon, Cedric Mansfield, and Berman
Known Issue: Jake will sometimes take an unusual path after talking to him in the Church (Step 6) where he goes up the church tower stairs, then teleports to street level before heading to Concord Hardware.
If he gets stuck by the bench or window in Concord Church, you can fast travel to Red Rocket, and back. Jake will be in Concord Hardware and continue the quest.
This is Bethesda NPC AI pathing and cannot be resolved.