Spoiler Alert!
Quest Characters: Skout and Sickle

- Written by: Harkness
Script doctors: Sirick, Superweevil
- Voiced by:
Skout - Yon Shady Glenn
Sickle - Benjango
- Find the door to West Everett Basement.
- Enter and go down the stairs.
- You will encounter non-agressive super mutants.
- Skout will prevent you from searching the basement.
- Their leader, Sickle, will request that you find Nail, who has run away, in exchange for some ASAMS.
- He will give you a note, "Nail's Scribbles" which will give you a location to search.
Next Quest: Suburban-Disturbance
- This quest is listed in Quests in your Pip-Boy under "Miscellaneous" and is optional.
- More about Skout and Sickle
Sim Settlements 2: Check for ASAM Sensors at West Everett Estates and Surburban Disturbance by Veta Phoenix
For Quest Stages refer to Suburban-Disturbance