Guest Characters: Randy, Carnal, Dyllan, Harriet

- Written by: Joypuke
- Voiced by:
Randy - Andrew Ferguson/DominateEye
Carnal - Rom Barkhordar
Dyllan Boswell - Paul Warren
Harriet - Abigail Wahl
- Randy may approach you with information that there is a thief in Concord, otherwise find and talk to him.
- Ask Concord residents (named NPCs, not Concord Settlers) about the thief.
- At some point, you will see Carnal walking up and down the main street of Concord.
- Ask her about the thief.
a. You can ask here what is wrong? If you pass the charisma check, she will tell you she is worried.
b. She will tell you to talk to Dyllan.
- Talk to Dyllan in Fallon's Department Store about the thief.
- Search for the thief in Concord Access Tunnels.
- You will encounter molerats during your search.
- Speak to Harriet.
- Search her room for clues.
- Invesitgate items in the room.
- Three of the items will trigger a response from Harriet.
Three items to investigate
Winter Jacket, Prosnap Camera, Silver Locket
- Confront Harriet about the items.
- Determine how to deal with Harriet through dialogue options.