- The Security Department is in charge of maintaining the safety of the staff, protecting the facility, and preventing theft of supplies. It's led by Aiden.
- In addition, they handle the moving of valuables to HQ's Treasury Vault, so the more qualified Security staff HQ has, the more Caps can be spent each day by HQ for various projects.
- The Security Department uses the combined Agility of its staff to determine how much energy it has for projects.
Two Manage Build Icons will appear when selecting Manage.
- Reassign Staff: Use this to assign or unassign staff to/from the Security Department
- View Task List:
Cancel to exit menu
Select Assigned by You to see Tasks that you've assigned to the Department,
Select Planned by Department to see Tasks that your Department has queued.
Once you have made your selection, wait for the Task List to generate.
- You will be able to chose who to send on the Mission. If you do not, Security Staff will be chosen for you.
- Aiden may only be selected for Missions that are within Headquarters
Send Security team members to clear out hostiles and claim a workshop area for you. Completion Time: 1 Day.
The recommended minimum Security Staff to effectively run Missions is 2.
Note: City Manager Holotape Setting Override Timers: ON does not apply to Security Missions.
- Watchkeeping projects once activated send your Security staff on patrol daily until cancelled. Each day, HQ resources will be consumed (Security Energy - 10, Food - 5, Water - 5). These patrols reduce the chance of the "Attack on HQ" Disaster.
- You can have both patrols running if you wish.
1. Patrol Eastern Perimeter
2. Patrol Western Perimeter
- More is planned for Security in future releases.