This holotape is craftable at your City Planner's Desk. It provides you with a number of tools to manage your settlement and can also give you a way to modify the position of items on your HUD display.
Ingredients required:
Once you have crafted the holotape, you will find it in your Inventory under Inventory>Aid.
Use to exit the holotape
Use to toggle the Holo Icons above building plots on/off
Use to track settlement objects and plots. Select an Option to toggle OFF or ON. Toggling one or more of these ON will place a quest flag on those objects for you to find them.
Options are:
ASAM Tracking System>Plot Tracking Options
This allows you to reposition HUD Panels of the SS2 Hud. Select the panel you want to move, the screen will flash that panel, and then you will be given options to nudge it's position.
Choose Panel to Modify:
When a Panel is selected, you'll see Modifying Panel "the panel's name":
Allows you to toggle the level of details provided by the Supply Usage Meters, and Supply Agreements.
Use to change the level of details reported by the Resource Panel.
What would you like your settlers to do?
You can also craft the Town Meeting Gavel at the City Planner's Desk which will be available in your Inventory under Aid.
Options are:
Use to track your settlers.
You can also craft a Vit-o-Matic Tracking tool at the City Planner's Desk which will be available in your Inventory under Aid.
When one of the options is toggled ON, a quest flag will be placed on the settler(s).
Options are: