Guest Character: Alan Walsh

- Written by: Kefke Wren
- Voiced by: CompleteTheCircuit
- Alan Walsh will appear in your Settlement.
- If you decide to recruit him as a Setter, you can assign him to a Settlement of your choice.
- He will settle in for a few days before you are notified to talk to him.
- Talk to Alan.
- Read Alan's Parts List.
- Obtain:
- 1 Fusion Core
- 4 Synth Components
- Assaultron Circuit Board
- Return parts to Alan.
- Alan ask you to return in a few days to help him test.
- Your Pip-Boy will tell you to return to Alan.
- Test Attack.
- Test Healing.
- Talk to Alan to complete quest.
- Introduction Quest ID: SS2C2_Dialogue_AlanWalsh_SAG