Spoiler Alert!
Quest Character: Dr. Meztli Jones

- Written by: Sephira Jo
- Voiced by: Stef Clendenen
- Dr. Meztli Jones will appear in your settlement.
- On approach she will have a conversation with you about history.
- She wants you to collect books, suggests trying the Old Corner Bookstore.
- She will give you 50 caps per book for 5 Overdue Books.
- Collect the books, return to Dr. Jones.
- She will join the settlement of your choice.
- Dr Meztli Jones is a Unique Settler.
- Completing her quest unlocks a new building skin for the 2x2 Raised Shack Residential Plot and a new Commercial Building Class "Bookstore"
- Once she is settled (has a home and a job), you can return to her with 5 Overdue books and she will pay you 50 caps per book.
Stage |
Description |
Log Entry |
1 |
Quest started |
2 |
Quest confirmed running |
5 |
Player initially declined |
6 |
Better future line selected |
7 |
What are you doing out here line selected |
10 |
Player has objective |
20 |
Player has books |
30 |
Player handed over books |
40 |
Player completed quest |