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Workshop Framework provides new options to control settlement gameplay, massive speed and stability improvements, a settlement import/export system, as well as a framework for other mods to alter features about the settlement system without having to overwrite vanilla files. |
Workshop Framework Guides by Kinggath - Learn about importing, exporting Workshop Framework Layouts.
Start Workshop Mode: Assign a hotkey to instantly start Workshop mode
Default: V
All default options are designed to match how the vanilla game plays.
Adjust Max NPCs By Charisma: ON/OFF
Your Charisma score increases the maximum number of settlers that can be recruited to a settlement.
Default: ON
Allow Settlements To Leave: ON/OFF
If Happiness falls to 0, you will lose control of the settlement until completing a new radiant quest (radiant quests given randomly by Preston or other settlers)
Default: ON
Cap Settlers By Bed Count: ON/OFF
Settlers will only be recruited if there are enough beds available.
Default: OFF
Consume Basic Resources Only: ON/OFF
Each day, settlers consume food and water, they will consume any available types. If this is set to ON, they will only consume the basic produced resources from the vanilla game
Purified Water and crops such as Tatos, Corn, etc.
Default: OFF
Linked Settlement Consumption: ON/OFF
Each day, food and water are consumed by your settlers. This option allows them to consume from linked settlements if they are short to help keep happiness up.
Default: ON
Recruit Settlers Immediately: ON/OFF
When a beacon is built and powered for the first time, a small number of new settlers will arrive immediately.
Default: ON
Robots Count Towards Max Population: ON/OFF
Robots are counted as part of your max population (if OFF, they will still be included in the HUD count).
Default: ON
Default Robot Happiness Level: Slider from 0 to 100 (steps by 5)
Robots are automatically granted this level of happiness. (Set to 80 to have them treated exactly the same as non-robot settlers)
Default: 50
Shelter Mechanic: ON/OFF
Shelter is a buggy mechanic in the base game that penalizes your happiness if the game can't detect roofs over the settler beds.
It often fails to detect roofs correctly, so this option will bypass the issue and eliminate the penalty.
Default: ON
These options are for vanilla objects (beds, defense objects, crops)
Auto Assign Beds: ON/OFF
The game will attempt to auto-assign beds to settlers.
Default: ON
Auto Assign Defenses: ON/OFF
The game will attempt to auto-assign guard posts to settlers.
Default: ON
Auto Assign Food: ON/OFF
The game will attempt to auto-assign crops to settlers.
Default: ON
Max Defense Work Per Settler: Slider from 1 to 30
Setting this increases the amount of vanilla defense items the settler can work at once. By default a settler can work 6 total defense, generally 3 vanilla guard posts. If you up this to 20, they can work 10 guard posts instead (or whatever combination of assignable defense objects that adds up to 20 - for example, some mod-added defense objects add more).
Default: 6
Max Food Work Per Settler: Slider from 1 to 30
The max amount of food work a single settler can be assigned to.
Default: 6
Door Management: ON/OFF
If on, settlement doors can be configured to auto-open and close based on the conditions defined below
Default: OFF
When ON, the following options are available:
Auto-Close NPC Opened: ON/OFF
Settlement doors opened by NPCs will be auto-closed shortly after opening.
Default: ON
Auto-Close Player Opened: ON/OFF
Settlement doors opened by the Player will be auto-closed shortly after opening.
Default: ON
Auto-Close Delay: Slider from 5 to 15 (steps by 5)
Number of seconds before the auto-close feature will trigger.
Default: 5
Auto-Open All In Workshop Mode: ON/OFF
When in workshop mode, all settlement doors will open.
Default: ON
Auto-Close All After Workshop Mode: ON/OFF
After exiting workshop mode, all settlement doors will close.
Default: ON
Manage Workbench: ON/OFF
Choosing Manage on a settlement's Workbench will bring up the Manage Settlement menu.
Default: ON
F4SE Power Up Layout: ON/OFF
After a layout is built, wires and power transfer will be handled by F4SE.
Default: ON
Lootable Items Collected: ON/OFF
When a Settlement Layout is built, any loose items found in the settlement will be stored in the workbench.
Default: ON
Persist Workshop Resource Objects: ON/OFF
Workshop resource objects will be persisted in memory to prevent many issues that can occur with allowing the game to unload them.
Default: ON
Self-Power Items: ON/OFF
When turned on, objects created for a Settlement Layout will power themselves without need to be connected to a power source.
Default: OFF
Spawn NPCs: ON/OFF
Spawn any NPCs included in a Settlement Layout record - this might include settlers, brahmin, etc.
Default: OFF
Spawn Power Armor: ON/OFF
Spawn any Power Armor included in a Settlement Layout record.
Default: OFF
Include Animals: ON/OFF
Domestic animals like Brahmin will be included in the Settlement Layout export.
Default: OFF
Include Power Armor: ON/OFF
Power Armor linked to the settlement will be included in the Settlement Layout export.
Default: OFF
Scrap Profile: ON/OFF
Records of vanilla items will be included to help the Layout system more accurately scrap appropriate items.
Default: ON
Auto-Show Invisible Objects: ON/OFF
When entering Workshop Mode, WSFW Invisible Objects will be revealed.
Default: ON
Power Grid Auto-Repair: ON/OFF
Requires F4SE. When entering a settlement, the power grid will be repaired of corruptions if possible.
Default: OFF
Power Grid Auto-Destroy: ON/OFF
Requires F4SE. If Power Grid Auto-Repair fails to remove corruptions, the grid will be destroyed to prevent crashes.
Default: OFF
Autoplay Messages: ON/OFF
All messages using this system that were queued, will begin displaying as soon as conditions are clear.
Default: OFF
Suppress All Messages: ON/OFF
All messages using this system should wait for you to read them via holotape activation.
Default: OFF
Suppress Messages During Combat: ON/OFF
Messages using this system, that are sent during combat, will be queued until you have finished the fight.
Default: OFF
Suppress Messages During Conversation: ON/OFF
Messages using this system, that are sent during conversations, will be queued until you have finished.
Default: OFF
Workshop Tutorial Messages: ON/OFF
Toggle the tutorial messages that tell you about how to use the Workshop system.
Default: ON
Running these tools will not give any confirmation until you exit MCM.
Claim This Settlement
After exiting MCM, you will gain control of the settlement you are in, so you can begin building in it.
Claim All Settlements
After exiting MCM, all settlement markers will be revealed, and the workshops will be claimed.
Cleanup Misplaced Items
Attempts to find and cleanup items in the current location that belong to a Layout and were incorrectly placed.
Force Close All ProgressBars
This will close any Progress Bars created by the WSFW system. Useful if one appears to become stuck or a mod fails to close them.
Manage Settlement Menu
After exiting MCM, a menu will come up with options for controlling the settlement, such as importing/exporting a Settlement Layout.
Remote Settlement Recovery Menu
This will offer several options for attempting to recover settlements that crash when you enter them.
Reset Settler Links
This will reset the links of all settlers in the current settlement to try and resolve population issues.
Reset HUD Widgets
All HUD Widgets powered by HUDFramework that were registered through Workshop Framework's HUDFrameworkManager wrapper.
Repair Power Grid
Requires F4SE. The local settlement power grid will be repaired if possible.
Destroy Power Grid
Requires F4SE. The local settlement power grid will be destroyed.
Scan Power Grid
Requires F4SE. The local settlement power grid will be dumped to a log file
Force Power Transmission
Requires F4SE. Triggers an animation update on all power related objects in the local settlement.
Threading Engine Options:
Max Threads: Slider from 10 to 50, steps by 5
If you are receiving crashes or stack dumps you can try reducing this.
Default: 50
UNDER CONSTRUCTION, updates coming
Craft the Workshop Framework Holotape at a Chemistry Station.
Select UTILITY > Workshop Framework Controls
Requires Plastic: 1
Select Cook.
A Popup Window will display: Make - Workshop Framework Controls? Select MAKE.
You will then be able to find the Workshop Framework Control Holotape in your MISC Inventory.
When you use the holotape, Workshop Framework Control Interface menu options will appear.
Some settings will be automatically configured according to your Game Difficulty or those automatically selected by running the City Manager Holotape Options Wizard.
Manage Workbench: Toggle ON/OFF
Default: ON
Max Threads: Current: 50 [Default]
Options: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
Settlers will prefer the plots over vanilla objects, but will use the vanilla objects when plots are not available.
The following options are toggles. Selecting them will change the setting.
Auto-Assign Beds: Toggle ON/OFF
Applies to vanilla beds only
Default: OFF
Auto-Assign Defense: Toggle ON/OFF
Applies to vanilla defense objects only
Default: OFF
Auto-Assign Food: Toggle ON/OFF
Applies to vanilla crops only
Default: OFF
Max Defense for Settlers: 6 (Default)
Values from 1 to 20.
By default a settler can work 6 total defense, generally 3 vanilla guard posts. If you up this to 20, they can work 10 guard posts instead (or whatever combination of assignable defense objects that adds up to 20 - for example, some mod-added defense objects add more).
Setting this increases the amount of vanilla defense items the settler can work at once until you reach a value of 20, then it will return to 1
Max Food Per Settler: 6 (Default)
Value from 1 to 20
Selecting this will increase the number of crop objects that a Settler can work each time you select it, until you reach 20 then it will return to 1
Door Management: Toggle ON/OFF
Default: OFF
If Door Management is ON, the following options are available:
Auto-Close Settler Opened: ON/OFF
Settlement doors opened by NPCs will be auto-closed shortly after opening.
Default: ON
Auto-Close Player Opened: ON/OFF
Settlement doors opened by the Player will be auto-closed shortly after opening.
Default: ON
Auto-Close Delay: Slider from 5 to 15 (steps by 5)
Number of seconds before the auto-close feature will trigger.
Default: 5
Auto-Close All Out of WS Mode: ON/OFF
After exiting workshop mode, all settlement doors will close.
Default: ON
Auto-Open All in WS Mode: ON/OFF
When in workshop mode, all settlement doors will open.
Default: ON
The following options are toggles. Selecting them will change the setting.
Auto-Show Invisible Objects: Toggle ON/OFF
Workshop Framework offers a special type of item mod authors can use that are invisible outside of Workshop Mode.
By default, these items are displayed when you enter Workshop Mode. Turning this option OFF will make it so these items never apprear for you.
Default: ON
Import - F4SE Power Up: Toggle ON/OFF
F4SE will wire up and transfer power between settlement objects placed with a layout.
Default: ON
Import - Lootables Collected: Toggle ON/OFF
When a Settlement Layout is built, if the scrap option is selected, all loose lootable items found in the settlement will be stored in the workbench.
Default: ON
Import - Spawn NPCs: Toggle ON/OFF
Any NPCs found in a Settlement Layout will be spawned during the build phase. This would include things like settlers, brahmin, etc.
Default: OFF
Import - Spawn Power Armor: Toggle ON/OFF
Any Power Armor found in a Settlement Layout will be spawned during the build phase. Note that they will be based on the original configuration defined in the Creation Kit, it will not include the specific parts and mods the designer added to those Power Armor suits.
Default: OFF
Import - Self-Powered Items: Toggle ON/OFF
Settlement Layout items will be created as Self-Powered items, meaning they do not require a power source to remain active.
Default: OFF
Export - Include Animals: OFF
Default: OFF
Export - Include Power Armor: OFF
Default: OFF
Export - Scrap Profile: ON
Default: ON
Persist Workshop Resources: ON
Default: ON
Power Grid Auto Repair: ON
Default: ON
Power Grid Auto Destroy: ON
Default: ON
Autoplay Messages: ON/OFF
Default: ON
Suppress All Messages: ON/OFF
Default: ON
Suppress During Combat: ON/OFF
Default: OFF
Suppress During Diaglogue: ON/OFF
Default: OFF
Adjust Max NPCs By Charisma: ON/OFF
ON (Default)
Allow Settlements To Leave: ON/OFF
ON (Default)
Cap Settlers By Bed Count: ON/OFF
OFF (Default)
Consume Basic Resources Only: ON/OFF
OFF (Default)
Linked Settlement Consumpton: ON/OFF
ON (Default)
Recruit Settlers Immediately: ON/OFF
ON (Default)
Robots Count to Max Pop: ON/OFF
ON (Default)
Robot Happiness Level Default:
50 (Default)
Shelter Mechanic: ON/OFF
Default: ON
Workshop Totorial Messages: ON/OFF
Default: ON
Configure Build Limits: Displays current Settlement build limits, Select an option to increase the Size of the Settlement to build more objects or plots:
Power Tools:
Scrap Settlement:
Settlement Layout:
Settlement Ownership:
This will run a script to find objects that have remained that belong to plots that have been destroyed or upgraded, but not successfully removed objects. A progress bar will display.
Allow the script to complete before performing any other Workshop functions and remain in the settlement until it completes.