Custom Settlement Design Concept Art, 2d Art Writing Voice File Coordination and Wearer of Too Many Hats |
History with the Team
- Settlement Design, Gang Flags, Concept Art, and more for Conqueror
- Concept Art for Settlement Signs for Rise of the Commonwealth
- Art Director for Sim Settlements 2
- 2d Art, Writing, Voice File Coordination, and Wearer of Too Many Hats for Chapter 2
Dev Q&A
- Originally, I was raised in Russia and immigrated to Canada when I was 9. Been living here ever since!
- Besides art and video games, I also really enjoy writing, baking, and I DM different tabletop RPGs like D&D and Blades in the Dark.
- I typically play RPGs like Horizon: Zero Dawn, Witcher, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age; strategy games like XCom and Stellaris; and city-builders like Cities Skylines and Anno. My more casual stress-relief games are Minecraft and My Time in Portia.
¶ What is your favorite thing to work on for SS2? and why?
- I love the pre-production stages, whether it's concept art or writing a script, because it's one of the most creative stages. It's also always amazing to look back on the bare bones after everything is completed and playable and go 'huh!'.
¶ What was the most difficult thing you worked on in SS2 and why?
- Difficulty typically comes from picking up brand new skills - since joining the team, I've learned quite a bit about the Creation Kit and modelling software, and getting my feet under me in unfamiliar territory is always a test of focus and dedication. In my experience, it's always been worth pushing through the awkward first steps!
- Right before launching our trailer for Chapter 2, the team decided that we needed a good thumbnail for the video to give it a more "Official DLC" vibe. I was given the task with an extremely tight deadline, getting the creative meeting out of the way and I was left with about a day to get the entire thing illustrated. I streamed the process in our dev channel for motivation, with team members dropping in and our all day. Overall it turned out to be a really fun despite the challenge. Even if it totalled 12 hours of nonstop work...
- I intend to keep learning more about game development and storytelling in whatever mediums I can get my hands on!
My Links to Share
My Concept and In Game Art