ScriptPropertySet is defined in WorkshopFramework, in the script WorkshopFramework:Library:DataStructures.
- CheckForm: The form to evaluate against. (Use this OR iCheckFormID/sCheckPluginName, not both).
- fValue: The value you want CheckForm to be equal to* for this entry to be true. (*See iCompareMethod to change the check from "equal to" to something else)
- sScriptName: The script name to cast CheckForm to in order to handle the comparison.
- sPropertyName: The property of sScriptName to evaluate on CheckForm.
- fValue: If the the property sPropertyName refers to is of type Float, Int, or Bool, this value will be used in the comparison. For bool 0.0 = false, 1.0 = true.
- sValue: If the the property sPropertyName refers to is of type string, this value will be used in the comparison.
- MatchForm: If the property sPropertyName refers to is pointing to a form in the plugin, this value will be used in the comparison. Evaluating to true of CheckForm and MatchForm are the same (Use this OR iMatchFormID/sMatchPluginName, not both).
- iCompareMethod: Only used if fValue field is set, and the property sPropertyName represents is of type Float or Int. By default, if you leave this blank, you're simply checking if the property sPropertyName represents on CheckForm exactly matches the corresponding value represented. Otherwise you can change this to the following options:
0: The value on the reference must be exactly equal to fValue.
-1: The value on the reference must be less than or equal to fValue.
-2: The value on the reference must be less than fValue.
1: The value on the reference must be greater than or equal to fValue.
2: The value on the reference must be greater than fValue.
- [Advanced Use Only] iCheckFormID: Hex ID of the Form to check converted to an integer.
- [Advanced Use Only] sCheckPluginName: Plugin filename the Form to check can be found.
- [Advanced Use Only] iMatchFormID: Hex ID of the Form to match to converted to an integer.
- [Advanced Use Only] sMatchPluginName: Plugin filename the Form to match to can be found.