PlotCount is defined in Sim Settlements 2, in the script SimSettlementsV2:DataStructures.
- PlotType: The keyword representing the Plot Type. These are prefixed with SS2_PlotType_. (In most use cases, this can be skipped if the BuildingClass property is set, as each BuildingClass has a corresponding PlotType that can be looked up by the code).
- BuildingClass: The keyword representing the Building Class. These are prefixed with SS2_PlotTypeSubClass_. (In most use cases, it is also acceptable to use the PlotType property instead to count all building classes of that plot type).
- iL0Count: The number of plots matching the PlotType and BuildingClass that are level 0 or higher.
- iL1Count: The number of plots matching the PlotType and BuildingClass that are level 1 or higher.
- iL2Count: The number of plots matching the PlotType and BuildingClass that are level 2 or higher.
- iL3Count: The number of plots matching the PlotType and BuildingClass that are level 3.