ActorValueSet is defined in WorkshopFramework, in the script WorkshopFramework:Library:DataStructures.
- AVForm: The ActorValue form to check the value of. (Use this OR iFormID/sPluginName, not both).
- fValue: The value you want AVForm to be equal to* for this entry to be true. (*See iCompareMethod to change the check from "equal to" to something else)
- iCompareMethod: By default, if you leave this blank, you're simply checking if AVForm is set to fValue. Otherwise you can change this to the following options:
0: The value on the reference must be exactly equal to fValue.
-1: The value on the reference must be less than or equal to fValue.
-2: The value on the reference must be less than fValue.
1: The value on the reference must be greater than or equal to fValue.
2: The value on the reference must be greater than fValue.
- [Advanced Use Only] iFormID: Hex ID of the ActorValue converted to an integer.
- [Advanced Use Only] sPluginName: Plugin filename the ActorValue can be found.